Information Technology and Innovations in Infectious Diseases

Facilitating innovation and access to health technologies remains a key strategy in combating infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, a gulf between paying markets and the endemicity of such diseases has funded to the dearth of R&D in summit these public health needs. While the pharmaceutical industry views evolving economies as capable new markets, most of the world’s poorest bottom billion now resides in middle-income countries a fact that has complicated tiered access provisions. Residing, product expansion partnerships specifically those including academic organisations and small corporations find marketable prospects in pursuing even ignored infections and a developing pharmaceutical sector in BRICS countries offers hope for a native base of innovation.

  • Automation and artificial intelligence in nosocomial infection prevention
  • Automation in hand hygiene surveillance and improvement
  • Computer vision monitoring of infection prevention practices
  • Cheminformatics and complex network analyses: new horizons in infection epidemiology and drug discovery
  • Application of artificial intelligence in betterment of empiric antibiotic treatment

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